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  • Acupuncture Contraindications

    Acute stroke

    Patients with cancer (can still treat with doctor recommendation)

    Areas of poor skin condition

    Diabetic patients

    Patients with epilepsy

    Hemophilia or other clotting disorders [6]

    Special Precautions

    Bleeding tendency




    Unclear diagnosis

    Abnormal physical structure

  • Microneedling Contraindications

    keloid or raised scarring; allergies;

    history of eczema, psoriasis, and other chronic conditions

    history of actinic (solar) keratosis

    history of Herpes Simplex infections

    history of diabetes

    presence of raised moles, warts, or any raised lesions on the targeted area (we will avoid raised moles during treatment).

    Absolute contraindications include:



    collagen vascular diseases or cardiac abnormalities

    Rosacea and blood clotting problems

    active bacterial or fungal infection


    scars less than 6 months old

    facial fillers in the past 14 days.

    On Accutane (must be stopped for one year or with a doctor’s note)

  • Dermaplaning Contraindications

    Waxing/threading or use depilatory creams for 7 days prior.

    Cosmetic injections for 2 weeks before and after treatments.

    Refrain the use of Tretinoin, Retin-A, Renova, Differin, Tazorac, Avage, EpiDuo, Ziana, and high-percentage AHA and BHA products for approximately 7 days prior to treatment. Consult your Physician before temporarily discontinuing the use of any prescription medications.

    Active Acne

    Eczema, dermatitis, malignant skin tumors, open lesions, lupus, active herpes infection, sunburn, and keratoses.

    Allergy to nickel

    Any Cancer therapy

    Blood thinners

    On Accutane (must be stopped for one year or with a doctor's note)

  • Dry Cupping Contraindications

    Bleeding disorders like hemophilia.

    Blood clotting problems, such as deep vein thrombosis or history of strokes.

    Skin conditions, including eczema and psoriasis.

    Seizures (epilepsy).

    Generally not recommended in the first trimester of pregnancy

  • Chemical Peel Contraindications

    Use of Accutane®, Retin-A®, or other medications that exfoliate or thin the skin within 6 months

    Recent cosmetic surgery, laser resurfacing, deep or medium depth chemical peels or dermabrasion

    Severe rosacea or acne

    Easily scars or has hyper-pigmentation tendencies

    Pregnancy – always consult with your obstetrician prior to receiving chemical peels


    Sunburn or irritated skin

    Open sores or lesions

    Infectious disease

    Active Herpes simplex


    High blood pressure

    Heart disease

    Deficient immune system

    Permanent cosmetics–wait 7 days then cover with occlusive barrier